Instructions for Authors

General Requirements. The Journal of Operator Theory endevours to publish significant articles in all areas of operator theory, operator algebras and closely related domains. All accepted manuscripts are carefully peer-reviewed. A manuscript submitted for publication must:

  1. be correct;
  2. be significantly new in a nontrivial sense. A new theorem with an old proof is not publishable;
  3. be of interest to an appreciable number of readers;
  4. be clearly written. The incorrect use of the language is not admissible;
  5. cite correctly prior relevant work related to the subject and indicate the use of the others' ideas.

Submission. To submit a manuscript an author should use the Electronic Manager EditFlow at the address

Authors are supposed to choose one of the editors that will be in charge with the editorial process, fill all the information required by EditFlow and upload the PDF file of the manuscript. The submission of a paper carries with it the author's assurance that it has not been copyrighted, published, or submitted for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts can be written in English (preferable), French, or German. Preference will be given to manuscripts larger than 10 typewritten pages of high scientific quality.

Editorial Process. The refereeing process of a manuscript is the sole responsibility of the Editor to which it was submitted. Communication concerning this part of the editorial process should be addressed only to that Editor. After acceptance and until the publication, the editorial process becomes the responsibility of the Editorial Office. Immediately after acceptance, authors should upload all the required electronic files (AMS-LaTeX source file in jotart.cls style, graphic files, etc.) to EditFlow or e-mail them to for production reasons. After technical editing and preliminary proofreading the files, authors will receive galley proofs for final corrections and modifications.

Communication. In case of multiple authors, a corresponding author should be indicated. All communication will be done with the corresponding author. It is the author responsibility to inform immediately any change of address and, especially, e-mail address. In case the source file in JOT style is not received by the editorial office within two weeks from the date of acceptance, a reminder will be e-mailed to the corresponding author. If no answer is received within two more weeks, the editor that communicated the manuscript will be informed and the manuscript will be removed from the list of accepted manuscripts. Any further reconsideration of the manuscript will be considered a resubmission.

Style. Authors of papers submitted for publication should strive for expository clarity and good literary style. Typesetting the manuscript using AMS-LaTeX at 12 point is recommendable. Footnotes should be avoided. Items required:

  1. The title should be informative. For a longer title a running short title should be indicated. Mathematical symbols in the title should be avoided as much as possible.
  2. Authors' names are listed in alphabetical order and formatted as follows: First (Given) Name, Middle Initial(s), Last (Family) Name.
  3. An abstract of at most 8 rows should be included. The abstract should summerise the results of the paper and nothing more. The main purpose of the abstract is to enable the readers to take in the nature and results of the papers quickly and to decide whether they are willing to read the entire paper or not. Citation of bibliography within the abstract should be avoided. Avoid as much as possible using display equations within the abstract, or, if really necessary, do not label these dispalyed equations for further cross-referencing in the article. Keep in mind that the abstract and the article should be kept independent one to each other.
  4. A list of at most ten keywords should be provided. It has the role of indicating the important topics considered.
  5. The Mathematics Subject Classifications (2010) categories should be included. Their role is to identify accurately the fields of the article. If necessary, one may distinguish between primary and secondary classification codes.
  6. The first section is usually an introduction. It has the role of presenting the general framework of the paper, historical notes, relevance of the investigation and an outline of the main results. Repetition should be kept to a minimum.
  7. The body of the article should be usually divided in sections. Sections can be divided in subsections, but it is preferable that this should be kept to a minimum. Further division of subsections in sub-subsections should be avoided. Keep in mind that an article is not a book and that it should be simple and clear as much as possible.
  8. The results should be distinguished correspondingly as theorems, propositions, lemmas and corollaries. Remarks, definitions, and examples can be used.
  9. Footnotes should be avoided.
  10. It is strongly required that all the items (theorems, definitions, and the like) should be numbered within sections: the first figure is the section number, the latter designates the number of the item within the same section.
  11. Lists should be preferably itemized by small roman numerals.
  12. The beginning and the end of the proofs should be clearly emphasized. If necessary, proofs can be divided in steps. Nested proofs should be avoided as much as possible.
  13. Acknowledgements for grants should be placed before the references.
  14. Items listed as references should be relevant to the subject of the paper and cited at least once. The list of references must be in alphabetical-chronological order and identified by hindu arabic numerals. Abbreviations of names of journals and references should follow the standard form established by the Mathematical Reviews.
  15. The authors and their addresses, including the e-mail addresses, if available, should be placed at the end of the manuscript. Authors will be always listed in alphabetical order, unless specifically required (not recommended).

Figures and Diagrams. Figures and diagrams should be preferably drawn in one of the packages available in AMS-LaTeX; if this is not possible, then they can be embedded as exterior files, (optional) in Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) format and (mandatory) Portable Document Format (PDF) and e-mailed as attached files. You should not use the package psfrag; all characters should be contained in the EPS and PDF files. Color figures, if provided, will be printed black-and-white only, but they will appear in color in the electronic files.

AMS-LaTeX File Processing. Papers accepted for publication in the Journal of Operator Theory should be prepared in AMS-LaTeX and use the style file jotart.cls. When coding your AMS-LaTeX file, please bear in mind the following:

Preparation of the electronic file. Authors should process their electronic files using the style file jotart.cls of the Journal of Operator Theory, prior to sending these to the Editorial Office in Bucharest. All necessary files, including instructions and examples, can be downloaded from this site (click on the button Downloads from the left panel), or e-mailed by request.

Manuscript Alteration. The PDF file of the manuscript accepted for publication is provided by the Editor to the Editorial Office in Bucharest through EditFlow. This copy represents the paper to be published. Subsequent alteration of the manuscript exceeding 4% in volume will be considered as a revision and requires at least a confirmation from the communicating editor. Alterations of the electronic file (if any), compared to the accepted manuscript, should refer only to typos or small changes of presentation. Any change referring to mathematical content, however small, will be subjected to the editor's approval.

File Proofreading. As soon as the processing of the file corresponding to a paper will be accomplished, the proofs will be sent to the corresponding author by e-mail, as an attached PDF file; it is supposed that the corresponding author will then e-mail us back a list with her/his corrections and comments within one week. In case of considerable delay of receiving the authors' corrections, the article will be published as it is.

Modifications During Proofreading. Modifications (that is, deleting and/or inserting of text, with respect to the accepted manuscript) during proofreading are admitted within 4% of the volume of the accepted manuscript if the mathematical content is not significantly changed. Out of this range, any modification will be considered as a revision of the manuscript and will require a confirmation from the communicating Editor. A Note Added in Proof of at most two printed pages is accepted and is not considered as a modification.

Charges. It is the journal policy that there are no page charges for published articles.

Offprints. Authors will receive the electronic PDF files, for personal use only, but no printed offprints. These files cannot be posted on any other web page, except the official online site of the journal.

Last update July 29th, 2021.