This is the README.TXT file for the AMS-LaTeX class used for typesetting articles for the Journal of Operator Theory. In order to produce an AMS-LaTeX file compatible with the style used in the JOT, you should have a copy of jotart.cls file that can be obtained from as well as other files (including this one), or by request at the e-mail address . We describe briefly the structure of the file. An example can be seen by running the file example.tex and a template containg the specific macros is also available. 1. Preamble The beginning is the command that loads the class jotart. There are two options, draft and final. \documentclass[draft]{jotart} The option "draft" should be changed into "final" only after all the overfullrule boxes (longer than normal rows due to bad breaks or hyphenation problems, marked by black rectangles) became less than 4pt. Next you load packages. It is mandatory to load amsmath and amssymb. \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amssymb} For theorems and the like, the following sequence should be included \theoremstyle{proclaim} \newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}[section] \newtheorem{lemma}[theorem]{Lemma} \newtheorem{corollary}[theorem]{Corollary} \newtheorem{proposition}[theorem]{Proposition} % \theoremstyle{statement} \newtheorem{remmark}[theorem]{Remark} \newtheorem{definition}[theorem]{Definition} \newtheorem{example}[theorem]{Example} If you want "theorem like environments" with special numbering, or without numbering, you can use the following command (see the example file on how to use it) \theoremstyle{fancyproclaim} \newtheorem*{vartheorem}{ } Equations have two numbers, the first figure is the section number \numberwithin{equation}{section} \renewcommand{\theenumi}{\roman{enumi}} Authors macros should be included next. Please use the general rules in LaTeX2e for producing reliable and non-conflicting macros, that is, use \newcommand and \renewcommand instead of the primitive command \def Topmatter is the next sequence of commands: \begin{document}% Do not forget this command! \issueinfo{vv}{n}{yyyy} % vv is the volume, n is the number, yyyy is the year \commby{Editor}% Editor is the name of the Editor who accepted the article \pagespan{bbb}{eee}% bbb is the beginning page, eee is the ending page \date{Month dd, yyyy}% This is date of receipt of the article \revision{Month dd, yyyy}% This is date(s) of revision of the manuscript \title[Short title]{Long title}% The title of the article \dedicatory{Dedicated to ...}% Only if needed \author[Author1, Author2, {\protect \and} Author3]{Author1, Author2, {\protect \and} Author3}% For multipe authors please use {\protec \and} sequence \address{AUTHOR1, Department, University, Town, Zip, Country} \email{} \address{AUTHOR2, Department, University, Town, Zip, Country} \email{} \address{AUTHOR3, Department, University, Town, Zip, Country} \begin{abstract} This is the abstract. \end{abstract} \begin{subjclass} code1, code2, ..., coden. % or "Primary code0, Secondary code1, ...,coden." \end{subjclass} \begin{keywords} Keyword1, keyword2, ..., keyword10. \end{keywords} \maketitle 2. Body of the article The body of the article should be divided into sections. If really necessary, sections may be divided into subsections. Use of sub-subsections should be avoided. The first section may be the Introduction (for very short article, this does not make much sense). You can have the Introduction numbered \section{INTRODUCTION} or unnumbered \section*{INTRODUCTION} Use of (non-mathematical) capitalized text is mandatory in all \section commands. All the other sections should be numbered (for very short articles, this does not make too much sense either). All the text in the section name, except mathematical symbols, should be in CAPITALS. 3. Results and the like There are two types of environment for results and the like: "proclaim style" is for theorems, corollaries, propositions, lemmas (this makes the text in italic), and respectively "statement style" for definitions, remarks, examples, etc. (this makes the text in roman letters). The difference is made in the preamble, in the section "Theorems and the like". All these environments have an option for inserting a citation to bibliography, names, etc. \begin{theorem}[option] Text of theorem. \end{theorem} If items are in the body of a theorem, we recommend using the macro \nr{romannumerals}, that is provided by jotart.cls, as in the following example: \begin{theorem}[My Friend] This is the text of the theorem, with the following: \nr{i} first item; \nr{ii} second item; \nr{iii} third item. \end{theorem} The example above is for the case when items are related by a certain common feature. If the items are more independent assertions, you should follow the next pattern. \begin{theorem}[\cite{myfriend}] This is the text of the theorem. \nr{i} First item. \nr{ii} Second item. \end{theorem} 4. Proofs Proofs are obtained by the environment "proof". Note that there is an option in the \begin{proof} to change the label: \begin{proof}[Proof of Theorem~\ref{mytheorem}] This is the proof. \end{proof} In case a proof is ending with a displayed formula use \qedhere inside the displayed formula to fix the black rectangle marking the end of the proof. \begin{proof} This is a proof that ends with a displayed formula: \begin{equation*} Formula.\qedhere \end{equation*} \end{proof} 5. Displayed formulas We strongly recommend the use of the environments "equation" and "equation*" for all diplayed formulas (instead of $$ or \[ \], etc.) For aligned multiple rows formulas we strongly recommend using the environment "align" and "align*, or other similar commands provided by AMS-LaTeX. If instead of numbers, provided automatically by the environment "equation" (or its multiple rows counter-part), you prefere some fancy tags, you can use the \tag command, but you should not abuse of this facility. 6. Special numbers Special numbers like the complex imaginary and the natural logarithmic base are typed in mathematical romans. Also the "d" having the meaning of differentials. Examples: $a+\mathrm{i}b$ is a complex number, $\mathrm{e}^t$ is an exponential, and $\mathrm{d}x$ is a differential. The third should be used in integrals as well $\int_a^b f(x)\mathrm{d}x$, Leibniz notation for derivatives $\mathrm{d}f/\mathrm{d}x$, measures $\mathrm{d}\mu$, etc. 7. Graphics Graphics can be embedded by using the package "graphics" or "graphix" that should be loaded at the beginning of the file, and the Encapsulated Post Script files (of type file.eps) \begin{figure} \caption{This is caption.} \includegraphics... \end{figure} In this case, please do not forget to e-mail to us all the corresponding eps files. You can draw your own figures in LaTeX or AMS-LaTeX by using various available packages that produce nice drawings by the "picture" environment. 8. Cross-reference It is strongly recommended to use extensively the commands \label, \ref and \eqref for cross-reference. For bibliographic citations, you should use the \cite command. We recommend to use the syntax: "Theorem 5.4 in \cite{MBA}" instead of "Cf. \cite[Theorem 5.4]{MBA}". Also, use "\cite{M1}, \cite{M2}" instead of "\cite{M1,M2}". 9. Acknowledgements These should be placed at the end of the article, just before the bibliography. \begin{acknowledgements} Work partially supported by CNCSIS. \end{acknowledgements} 10. Bibliography This should be placed at the end of the article. Please use the following forms for articles, books, and dissertations: \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{label1} \textsc{A.U. Thor1, A.U. Thor2}, Title of article, \textit{J. Operator Theory} \textbf{nn}(yyyy), bpage--epage. \bibitem{label2} \textsc{A.U. Thor3}, \textit{Title of the Book}, Publishing House, Town year. \bibitem{label3} \textsc{A.U. Thor4}, \textit{Title of Thesis}, PhD Dissertation, University, year. \end{thebibliography} 11. End of file This is the command \end{document} as you well know.