Journal of Operator Theory
Volume 71, Issue 1, Winter 2014 pp. 223-257.
Hoermander type functional calculus and square function estimatesAuthors: Christoph Kriegler
Author institution: Laboratoire de Mathematiques (CNRS UMR 6620), Universite Blaise-Pascal (Clermont-Ferrand 2), Campus des Cezeaux, 63177 Aubiere Cedex, France
Summary: We investigate Hoermander spectral multiplier theorems as they hold on $X = L^p(\Omega), 1 < p < \infty,$ for many self-adjoint elliptic differential operators $A$ including the standard Laplacian on $\R^d.$ A strengthened matricial extension is considered, which coincides with a completely bounded map between operator spaces in the case that $X$ is a Hilbert space. We show that the validity of the matricial H\"ormander theorem can be characterized in terms of square function estimates for imaginary powers $A^{\mathrm it}$, for resolvents $R(\lambda,A),$ and for the analytic semigroup $\exp(-zA).$ We deduce Hoermander spectral multiplier theorems for semigroups satisfying generalized Gaussian estimates.
Keywords: functional calculus, square functions, Hoermander spectral multipliers, operator spaces
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