Journal of Operator Theory
Volume 89, Issue 1, Winter 2023 pp. 287-301.
Inclusions of C∗-algebras of graded groupoidsAuthors: Becky Armstrong 1, Lisa Orloff Clark 2, Astrid an Huef 3
Author institution:1 Mathematical Institute, WWU Munster, Einsteinstr. 62, 48149 Munster, Germany
2 School of Mathematics and Statistics, Victoria Univ. of Wellington, PO Box 600, Wellington 6140, Aotearoa New Zealand
3 School of Mathematics and Statistics, Victoria University of Wellington, PO Box 600, Wellington 6140, Aotearoa New Zealand
Summary: We consider a locally compact Hausdorff groupoid G which is graded over a discrete group. Then the fibre over the identity is an open and closed subgroupoid Ge. We show that both the full and reduced C∗-algebras of this subgroupoid embed isometrically into the full and reduced C∗-algebras of G; this extends a theorem of Kaliszewski-Quigg-Raeburn from the etale to the nonetale setting. As an application we show that the full and reduced C∗-algebras of G are topologically graded in the sense of Exel, and we discuss the full and reduced C∗-algebras of the associated bundles.
Keywords: groupoid, C∗-algebra, topological grading, isometric inclusion
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